Phoenix ME Limited has chosen to provide you with the opportunity to join the Group Private Medical Insurance Scheme. The aim of this benefit is to provide you with a fast, efficient and convenient service in relation to diagnosis and treatment of health issues.

Details of the cover are provided below.

 Insurer Vitality Health
Benefit level provided Please refer to the policy documentation and literature provided by Vitality Health for full cover and benefit levels.

You can choose to join the scheme to cover just yourself or you can also include your spouse, partner or family at your own expense.  Phoenix will pay for you as an employee. This is a “benefit in kind” and will be taxable via your P11D return.

No application form is required to join the scheme currently.  The scheme is ‘Medical History Disregarded’ and therefore no medical questions are asked. However membership is at the discretion of the Group Secretary.

In the event of a claim there is a £250 excess per member, per scheme year.

Full outpatient treatment is covered, provided prior approval has been obtained from Vitality Health.

Cover commencement Once you have joined the scheme, confirmation of this will be within the policy documentation sent to you by Vitality Health.

Cover may commence upon completion of your probation with Phoenix ME Limited.

Cover ceasing Cover may continue until you leave the company’s employment.
Making a claim Call Vitality Health on 0345 602 3437 quoting your individual 10 digit member number provided on your plan documentation.



If you have any queries or require any further information please contact Richmond House Corporate Services on 0333 355 3350 or  in the first instance.