Phoenix group companies operate a defined contribution Group Personal Pension scheme with Aegon that fully complies with, and in most cases exceeds, the criteria laid down by Government for the operation of Workplace Pensions.  

You will be enrolled into the pension from your first pay. Pensionable earnings are gross basic salary only and exclude bonuses, car allowance, P11D benefits and any other elements of pay.

For the actual contributions you are entitled to, please refer to your joining pack or email

Contributions from you and Phoenix are invested in line with the default investment strategy although you can change this subsequently, if you wish. The total amount available to you in future will be a combination of money paid in, investment growth (or losses) and charges taken.

Money can be withdrawn from your pensions from the age of 55 (rising to 57 in 2028) and 25% of your accumulated pot will be tax free. It is assumed you will take money from your pension at age 65 by default but this can be changed for you.

If you die before age 75, any money in your pension will be paid tax free to your chosen beneficiary/ies.

If you leave employment, you can take your pension with you and can transfer it to another registered pension scheme without penalty.  

Register for Aegon ARC

(to register you will need to have your activation code to hand which will have been emailed to you directly by Aegon).

If you have already registered, you can log in using the following link:

Log in to Aegon ARC


If you have any queries or require any further information please contact Richmond House Corporate Services on 0333 355 3350 or email them here in the first instance.